Monday 21 December 2015

Dying In A Tomb RPG 2 - Dying Harder in a Tomber

[No longer an LotFP hack. Main changes are initiative system, monetary system and generic fiddling all around. Now has a first draft of an equipment list.]


You're not heroes. You've got no class and you're desperate.

Each character has 4 statistics. Roll 3d6 (in order) to determine their values.

A measure of toughness. Also reflects your HP.
How nimble you are. Helps avoiding damage.
A measure of raw physical power. Increases damage.
The ability to notice things, and unconscious caution.


Player characters get +1 to hit, and hit points equal to constitution.
Player characters have a 25% chance of being literate, and should come up with a reason why or lose their literacy.
Player characters start with L1 + d20 shillings.
1 Pound – 20 Shillings – 240 Pence.
1 Shilling – 12 Pence.
One pound, eight shillings and 4 pence – L1 8s 4d.


Avoid fights. They're messy and people die. That said...

To hit someone, roll a d20 and add any relevant bonuses (to hit, conditional modifiers). If you roll high enough, you'll hit them. Now roll damage and add your strength modifier. They'll roll armour.

Weapon qualities come in 3 varieties. Shit, Normal and Good.
Shit weapons reroll any maximum damage rolls. (if you roll max. damage again, you can have it.)
Normal weapons just roll once.
Good weapons reroll minimum damage rolls. (if you roll min damage again, you take that.)

Weapons have 3 lengths.
Short weapons are, at most, slightly longer than your forearm.
Medium weapons are a wider variety, ranging from maces to the typical longsword at the extreme upper edge.
Long weapons are bulky, and usually require 2 hands from increased weight. Most are very awkward in cramped quarters, attacking at a -4 penalty. Weapons which can be thrust like a spear do not suffer this penalty.

Weapons which can be set can receive a charge, automatically dealing damage to an enemy charging someone in such a stance. Setting to receive a charge occurs during the shooting phase.
Weapons with reach can be used to attack without engaging in direct combat, such as from the second rank.
Weapons with halfswording can be wielded in a shortened form, dealing one dice size less damage but allowing for use in awkward conditions (see Long Weapons above).

The prices listed assume shit weapons. 5x for Normal, 10x for Good.

Defences & Initiative
Your defence is based on your weapon. Nobody wants to get hit, so being armed is the best way to stop someone getting in too close. NB. Bestial/mindless enemies and attacks bypass this, always attacking as if the target is unarmed. However, the target does get to roll an attack against them.

The table also below defines the order of initiative – values in brackets are used only for initiative. Ties with NPCs are resolved with an opposed d6 roll, with the player character applying their wisdom modifier.

Unarmed/Awkward Weapon - 8
Short Weapon – 10
Medium/Long Weapon – 12
Medium/Long Weapon + Shield – 14

All of the above values are modified by your dexterity modifier.

Shields increase your step along the chain by one. Awkward weapons are those unsuited to melee combat. Medium weapons are higher (faster) initiative than long weapons but provide the same defence.

When defending against ranged weapons, the weapon is ignored and only dexterity modifier and shield usage is considered.

No Shield - 10
Shield - 14 

Armour acts as a damage soak. The dice size listed is the amount of damage absorbed by the armour, the rest being applied to HP.

Shit armour rerolls maximum soak.
Normal armour just rolls soak once.
Good armour rerolls minimum soak.

Unarmoured - None
Light - 1d4
Medium - 1d6
Heavy - 1d8

Shit armour at listed price, normal armour at x5 and good armour at x10.

Damage & Funeral Rites
As you get damaged, your ability to be an effective combatant is reduced.

At 1/2 HP, you take a -2 on all actions from pain, and -1 to damage rolls.
At 1/4 HP, you take a -4 on all actions from extreme pain and loss of function in addition to a -3 to damage rolls. Without medical attention post-fight, roll under constitution to not die. You'll be scarred from your wounds.
At 0 HP, you are unconscious and dying. One body part has been severely damaged or destroyed, and you will require medical attention during the fight to stabilize. If unattended for 3 rounds, you die.
At -3 HP you are completely dead.

Recovering the corpse of a player character allows their XP to be purchased in a straight penny-for-XP conversion. This money is spent on the funeral for the dead character. This XP is divided between surviving characters.

Broken Bones (Optional)
When taking over 5 points of damage, applicable targets may break a bone if they are unable to roll below their constitution (use HP for NPCs). Roll a d12 for hit location.

Broken bone table -
1-2 - Left Arm - Arm is useless.
3-4 - Right Arm - Arm is useless.
5 - Left Leg - Move at a limp. Break both legs? Crawl.
6 - Right Leg - Move at a limp. Break both legs? Crawl.
7-11 - Torso (Ribs) - Inability to wear heavy armours. Struggle to do anything strenuous (-1 for the first, -3 for second, -5 third, etc.). More than one broken rib forces you to drop your pack.
12 - Head - Instantly unconscious, maybe complications.

Additional Considerations

The only XP gain is from treasure and Expenditure (covered below). Use the penny value of ALL loot recovered from the location and returned to an established 'safe zone' to determine total XP value, and then divide this between surviving characters.


When levelling, the characters may gain ONE of the following -
1.       +1 to hit
2.       +1 HP
3.       Reroll on a specific spell (see below)
4.       Reroll on specific task (i.e. picking locks)

Expenditure is vast sums of cash on activities not immediately useful. There are two varieties - Carousing and Research.

Carousing is a big night on the town. The players should describe what their characters plan to get up to (drinking, whores, tattoos, drugs, etc.) The DM should invent some potential consequences or use a carousing consequence table. The characters carousing will gain some renown in the area.

In a village, you can spend d8 x 100 pennies, and gain half that much XP. Roll under constitution+2 to avoid consequences.
In a town, you can spend d10 x100 pennies, and gain half that much XP. Roll under constitution to avoid consequences.
In a city, you can spend d20 x100 pennies, and gain half that much XP. You'll always suffer consequences.

Over-spending leads to debts to the sort of people who need disposable assets and have the mechanisms to enforce these debts, as well as guaranteeing consequences, or double consequences in cities.

Research is a less effective manner of gaining XP for accumulated wealth, but lacks consequences and has a small chance of being very useful. It requires the character to be able to read, and access to a library (scholarly towns and cities only).

Spend d10 x 100 pennies, and gain a quarter of this amount spent as XP. Every 100 pence spent is a 5% chance to learn something useful. Before the next delve/heist, roll below the total % to gain a question to be asked the DM. This question must be answered truthfully, but must also be something reasonably learnt whilst researching. It can be asked any time during the raid, but must be used for that raid specifically.

Skills & Saves
It is on the player to explain how their character attempts to achieve something. If appropriate, a roll will be made against one of their statistics, attempting to roll below their statistic value, modified by circumstance, methodology, etc.

Saving throws are used to avoid something, usually when you've fucked up. Again, it is on the player to describe (quickly) how to avoid the hazard and rolled against a statistic or flat number as appropriate. They should be warned if they're doing something impossible or stupid e.g. attempting to stop a rolling boulder with their fists, expecting a strength roll.

Magic is fucking terrifying and even more dangerous. If the characters are (un)fortunate enough to find a scroll, they can attempt to cast it. (Note that they will not know what the scroll does until they cast it). The character casting must attempt to roll below 10 minus the spell level on a d20. If they succeed, the spell is cast and the scroll is still available for use. Rolling up to 3 above the success number harmlessly discharges the magic, but spoils the scroll. Anything above this causes a horrific magical mishap, usually related to the spell at hand, or else using a mishap table. The scroll remains available for use on a mishap roll.


Spade/Shovel 2d
Hammer 8d
Chisel 4d
Pickaxe 1s
Net 9d
Pole, 10ft 4d
Crowbar 6s

Draught Horse 15s
Riding Horse L5
War Horse L30

Ale 1d/gal
Wine 6d/gal
Dry Fruit 2d/lb
Dried Meat 8d/lb
Bread 1d/2 Loaves
24 eggs 1d
Cheese 1d/lb

Dog 5s+
Cow 7s
Goat 4s
Sheep 2s
Pig 3s
Chicken 1d
Goose 5d

Landless Serf's Clothes 5d
Well to Do Peasant's Clothes 4s
Nobleman's Clothes 15s+

Light (Leather) 5s
Medium (Mail) L5 16s
Heavy (Plate) L15

(damage, length, hands, special)
Dagger 2d (d6, short, 1h)
Sword 6d (d8, short, 1h)
Long Sword 1s (d10, medium, 1h)
Greatsword 10s 4d (d12, long, 2h, halfswording)

Hatchet 5d (1d8, short, 1h)
Battle Axe 11d (1d10, medium, 1h)
Greataxe 4s 5d (1d12, long, 2h)

Club 3d (1d6, medium, 1h, always shit)
Mace 2s (1d10, medium, 1h)
Maul 3s 6d (1d12, long, 2h)

Spear 4d (1d8, long, 1h, set & reach)
Pike 1s (1d10, long, 2h, set & reach)
Billhook 11d (1d10, long, 2h, reach)
Halberd 4s 3d (1d12, long, 2h, set)
Poleaxe 7s 2d (1d12, long, 2h, set)

Sling 3d (1d6, 1h)
                Bullets 1d/12
Bow 3s  (1d8, 2h)
                Arrows 1s/each
Crossbow 8s (1d10, 2h, 1 round reload, treat armour as 1 lower)
Crossbow, Siege 15s (1d12, 3 round reload, ignore armour)
                Quarrels 1s 1d/each

Rented Room 1d/night
Tent (Small) 2s
Flour (sack) 5d
Backpack 2s
Sack 2d
Pint Flask 5d
Gallon Waterskin 6d
Blanket 8d
Tinderbox 2s
Fishing Hook 2d
Chain 3s/yard
Rope 3d/yard
Iron Spike 1s
Barrel 3d
Bottle 4d
Bucket 6d
Chest 2s 2d
Brass Pot 2s

Light & Fuel
Lantern Oil 1s/pint (no container)
Lantern 12s
Proofed Lantern 18s
Torch 4d
Candle 2d/lb

(It is worth noting that most mercenaries have not chosen the tomb robbing life for a reason.)
Man at Arms 1s/day
Knight 2s/day
Guide 1d/night
Ferry Ride 1d/horse & man a day
Hireling – 1/2 share loot & XP
Dogsbody – 6d/day (does not fight)
Linkboy 1d/day

Cheap Pipe 3d
Good Pipe 8s

Shit Tobacco 2d/10 doses
Decent Tobacco 2s/10 doses
Good Tobacco 12s/10 doses

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