Some are children in the Fever Swamp are chosen to be a Host. They are treated incredibly well, spared the hardship of the swamp-dweller life, princes of the decay and dirty water. On the cusp of adulthood, they are stripped and blindfolded. A shaman, daubed in the protective berry juices and herbs, is the only company they have on the journey to find a Transfiguration Worm. If one is not found within the week, calamity is sure to follow. The last year it happened, Nilfenbergian scouts burnt twelve villages.
The Worm found, the child is offered as host. The worm burrows into the spine, and lodges there, enmeshing itself within the spinal cord of the host. The child is then left in the Swamp, unknowingly tugged by the Worm to find new experiences. Eventually, the Worm has experienced enough, and will force the host back to the Swamp, barely even human. It is not known why they collect experiences.
Upon leveling, roll on the appropriate level chart -
Levels 1-3
The Transfiguration Worm senses some base magical potential, and
stimulates it. The Host wakes up each morning with a random level 1 spell
ready for use.
The fingers and toes of the Host become like those of a gecko,
granting +4 in climb and removing the need for rope – if hands and feet are
The host awakes with the taste of blood in their mouth – their canines
have been forced out by razor-sharp fangs. They can bite for 1d6 damage.
The jaw and stomach of the host are modified – the host can dislocate
their jaw (by hand) to swallow small objects, and can then vomit them back up
at will.
The host will not live long – the Worm knows this, and accelerates
their metabolism. Their healing rate is doubled, but the host takes a -2
penalty on saves against poison and disease.
The olfactory glands of the host are heightened to the point where
they rival that of a domestic dog.
Levels 4-6
The nervous system of the host is radically rewired, granting the
ability to learn the last d4 weeks of memory contained within any brain
The host gains a toxin gland, which can be mixed with saliva and spat
into the eyes, causing d4 days of blindness of a failed save vs poison.
An ungainly protrusion from the back of the skull is in fact a gland
which can generate enough electricity to stun a human-sized target for 1d6
rounds. 1/day.
The host complains of great pains from one arm, and they can feel a
twisting and grinding from the bones. Once they eventually pass out, sweat
drenched and delirious with pain, the flesh of the arm sloughs off to reveal
a wickedly sharp bone-blade, capable of dealing 1d10+1 damage, with +2 to hit.
Of course, they no longer have a hand.
The parasite has matured enough to tap into its own magical potential
– the host memorises a random second level spell when they sleep.
The host gains the ability to vomit intense acid once a day, dealing
2d8 damage to those in front of them – however, the higher d8 of damage is
dealt to the host as they are burned by the acid.
Levels 7+
A pair of bat-like wings violently erupt from the back of the host,
destroying any armour worn. The muscles of the back become knotted and
powerful, enabling flight but disallowing any armour or tight clothing not
tailor made.
Without warning, the knees of the host snap backwards with a
sickening crunch, resembling the legs of a bird. The muscles moan and twist
at their sudden growth. The host moves at twice their original speed.
The host falls to the ground, screaming, as they nearly double in
size, all fragile or worn equipment destroyed. Any natural attacks move up a
dice size for damage. The strength of the host is set to 18, and they gain HP
equal to their level times two.
The time has come – the parasite takes control, driving the host back
towards the Fever Swamp.